Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why Tool-Making and Language were Important for the Development of Human Culture

Why were tool-making and language important for the development of human culture?
Tool-making and language were important for the development of human culture because tool making helped develop eating patterns, and language is a large part of culture. Culture is defined as "The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought". Speech is especially important in this definition because culture involves a human's thoughts and sharing them. With the development of language, humans had a way to share their thoughts and ideas. Also, the tools helped them to kill animals that they would eat (raw, and later in time, cooked), and how, what and when humans kill animals for eating all fall under the category "behavior patterns". All in all, the development of language and tools was important for the development of human culture because it helped them think and transmit ideas, and also it influenced their behavioral and eating patterns.

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